Ukrainian Refugee Assistance


Do you know of any Ukrainian refugee families willing to move to Manitoba? We know of a caring family in Manitoba who would provide a place to live and a job for a Ukrainian refugee family.


Here are some details about the offer: A Ukrainian refugee family with a strong sense of mission, who wishes to live in Manitoba, can farm and maintain a house and several acres of farmland. A monthly compensation will be provided to the family.



• Religious preference: Seventh-day Adventist or Baptist.

• They must be allowed to work in agriculture with their Canadian work permit.

• It is essential that they do not harbour any anger or bitterness toward Russians.



It is recommended that church members interested in helping a Ukrainian refugee family through this project contact (204) 266-0973 from 8:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. (Central Standard Time), Sunday through Thursday.