Pastor Appreciation Month: October 2023

Dear Church Family,

October is recognized as Pastor Appreciation Month. 

Pastors are a crucial part of the Seventh-day Adventist Church community in the Manitoba-Saskatchewan Conference. They lead and guide our spiritual growth and provide direction to our churches. Their sermons, advice, service, leadership and prayers profoundly impact our faith journey. 

We acknowledge their unwavering dedication and commitment to building God’s kingdom in Manitoba, Saskatchewan, and Nunavut. 

As president, I am responsible for many essential administrative tasks, such as facilitating in decisions, creating policies and strategies, and publishing information. However, the role of pastors in the Adventist church is even more significant. 

Pastors have a lot of power and responsibility. Ellen White called the role of pastors a “grave responsibility.” 

Why are pastors so important?

It’s because the congregation trusts pastors. What they say and do can have a significant impact, either positively or negatively. Pastors using their power for good can significantly benefit the community.

Here are some meaningful ways you can show appreciation to your pastors this month:

  1. Express Thanks Through Notes or Messages: A heartfelt note or message can encourage and affirm our pastor.
  2. Help with Chores: Offering to assist with household chores can be a tangible expression of our gratitude.
  3. Gifts of Appreciation: Books, gift cards, or other tokens of appreciation that align with their interests can be thoughtful gifts.
  4. Bake a Dessert: Consider making your pastor’s favourite dessert if you enjoy baking. It’s a sweet way to show your appreciation.
  5. Arrange a Special Dinner: A communal meal is a great way to bring everyone together. Whether it’s a potluck or a catered dinner, this event can be a platform for sharing stories and expressing gratitude.

Remember, showing love and appreciation for our pastors in practical ways is not just a kind gesture but biblical.

1 Thessalonians 5:12-13 urges us to “Now we ask you, brothers and sisters, to acknowledge those who work hard among you, who care for you in the Lord and who admonish you. Hold them in the highest regard in love because of their work. Live in peace with each other.”

In the spirit of these words, let us come together this October to express our heartfelt gratitude to our pastor. 

Your participation and acts of kindness will uplift our pastor and strengthen our community bonds.

As Ellen G. White aptly said, “Ministers who are truly Christ’s representatives will be men (and women) of prayer.” 

Let’s appreciate our pastor, who ceaselessly prays for and guides our spiritual journey.

Thank you for your continued support and active participation in our church activities.



Charles Ed II Aguilar, President