Camp Meeting 2023 Presentations

Teresa Ferreira: July 15 (Sabbath School)

Teresa Ferreira currently serves in the Philanthropy & Marketing department at ADRA Canada. She comes from a diverse leadership background within the Adventist Church, including education and conference administration.

Teresa sees the Adventist faith as a legacy of truth seekers, committed Christ-followers and Advent Hope messengers. The passion to keep the young and old, alike, in our church and spiritually on fire for an absolute God of love in a world that triumphs compromise is woven into every detail of who she is and what she represents. She considers her ministry for God to be the lifeblood of her very soul, and challenges people to hold fast to Psalm 16:8 and “not be moved.”  

Very simply, we all must be committed to the remnant cause of service that others may know our Jesus through the lens of being His hands and feet! Teresa says, “For a truly meaningful experience, coming along side ADRA Canada in our humanitarian efforts will only strengthen the gospel-cause of Jesus’ example through partnering with each other in the name of justice, compassion and love so all may live as God intended.”


Reema Sukumaran: July 17 (Monday) to July 21 (Friday) at 9:15-10:30

Reema Sukumaran has overcome some insurmountable obstacles throughout her life.  A victim of severe child abuse at the hands of a torturous parent, and raped by her pastor, she has experienced a nightmare that no one can imagine.

The people she trusted the most failed her, including her Adventist church community.

Despite the pain she has experienced, she continues to share her personal story in order to teach others how to minister to individuals who have experienced personal trauma, and been betrayed by the church and those they trusted. 

Reema is a speaker, author, and trainer who shares a riveting story from her heart.  

Her goal is to bring the topic of clergy abuse; often thought to be taboo, out of the darkness, and speak openly so others can recognize symptoms of unhealthy boundaries, burnout, and focus on self-care and respect.  

Sukumaran is a product of Seventh-day Adventist education.

She completed a Bachelor of Science in Elementary Education from Andrews University.  She is the proud mother of six growing boys, and works alongside her husband, an audiologist.  She resides in Ontario, Canada.  She has recently published her powerful memoir, Beautifully Broken, available in her website


Dr. Michael Campbell: July 17 (Monday) to July 19 (Wednesday) at 10:45-12:00

Dr. Michael W. Campbell, Ph.D., is director of the North American Division department of Archives, Statistics, and Research.

He is ordained minister who previously spent a decade in higher education in the Philippines and Texas. He is the co-editor of the Oxford Handbook of Seventh-day Adventism and is under contract with Eerdmans to write a forthcoming textbook about Adventist history. He recently organized academic paper sessions at the American Society of Church History and the Conference on Faith and History.

He has contributed over one thousand articles in popular, peer-reviewed, and reference works. Some of his research interests include a history and theology of the Lord’s Supper, the Taiping movement, and the history of missions.

He is the author of twelve books including 1922: The Rise of Fundamentalism (Pacific Press, 2022). He contributes regularly to the “Sabbath School Rescue” and “Adventist Pilgrimage” podcasts. He enjoys bird watching, racquetball, and Pathfinders.

He and his wife, Heidi, who is a Ph.D. candidate at Baylor University in Early Modern History, have two teenage children, Emma and David.


Pastor René & Mike Lemon with Doreen & Marlon Cliffe: July 20 (Thursday) to July 21 (Friday) at 10:45-12:00

Mike and René Lemon are the hosts for It Is Written Canada, a worldwide media ministry that spotlights stories of lives transformed by the power of God. They are both 100% organic, non-GMO, sweet and sour lemons. René is the sweet one. 
Mike and René have been married since 1995 and have counselled married couples and those preparing for marriage while serving in ministry and education positions in Canada and South Africa. They are passionate about faith, family, friends, fitness, and finishing the work of preparing souls for our Lord’s soon return, to “turn the hearts of the fathers to their children, and the hearts of the children to their fathers” (Malachi 4:6).  They have two wonderful daughters and one magnificent grandson.


Campbell Page: July 18 (Tuesday) to July 19 (Wednesday) at 2:30-3:45


Pastor Campbell Page serve as Indigenous Relations Director for the Seventh-day Adventist Church in Canada. Campbell is Moose Cree as well as a member of the Red River Métis Nation.Possessing a compassionate heart, one of his greatest goals is to help every indigenous person gain an understanding of how intentional God was in making them, so that through them the beauty of God’s love, power and greatness can be displayed to others.
Pastor Page states, “There is a Cree word kintohpatatin, which essentially means, ‘You’ve been listened to by someone compassionate and fair, and your needs will be taken seriously.’ I hear this in Christ’s first message in Luke 4, and in His life, death, and resurrection. As a Métis Canadian, I have long desired to see the Indigenous Peoples of Canada regain the culture, language, and voice that was taken from them. As a Christian, I am impelled to be a blessing to all people. Every person on this earth is a part of God’s family. A Lakota phrase found in the thinking of most Indigenous Canadians, Mitakuye Oyasin, meaning ‘all my relations,’ echoes this biblical principle and incorporates so much more. I envision the Seventh-day Adventist Church in Canada becoming a place and people known for providing kintohpatatin as we join with God in His work of healing and reconciliation among Mitakuye Oyasin, Indigenous and non-Indigenous alike.”
The gospel of redemption in Jesus Christ is God’s comprehensive response to the universal problem of sin. By design, this universal response is as inclusive as it can be and does not leave anyone out.


Christine Wollmann: July 20 (Thursday) to July 21 (Friday) at 2:30-3:45

Christine Wollmann serves as Voice of Prophecy Canada  Field Representative/Donor Relations Coordinator.

Her role includes visiting donors and churches across Canada,  attending conferences, camp meetings, special events, providing Voice of Prophecy  information to  donors, conferences,  pastors/church leaders, churches members and those interested in getting to know Jesus.

She is a global singing evangelist performing in person and many media platforms, singing for the Voice of Prophecy and has sung for  It Is Written, General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists, the North American Division and many other conferences.

Previously, she enjoyed her role as music ambassador for ADRA Canada,  has released four gospel music albums: For His Glory, Nail Scarred Hands, It’s Christmas, Grace Serenade and a number of singles.

She is married to Ruben and  they have one (recently married) daughter. Christine is also a registered nurse in Winnipeg, MB.


Dr. Daniel Saugh: July 20 (Thursday) to July 21 (Friday) at 3:45-5:00

Dr. Daniel Saugh, PhD, MSc, MPH, MDiv, RP currently serves as the Canadian Programs Manager, for ADRA Canada, a NGO, humanitarian agency based in Ontario, which is part of the global ADRA network. Daniel holds his undergraduate honours degree in health sciences, graduate degrees in public health, international/community development, theology and human relations/psychology from York University, Andrews University, Loma Linda University, and Wilfrid Laurier University respectively.

He is an ordained Minister and has served for 20 years in pastoral ministry over 7 churches.  He serves as the Health Ministries and Ministries of Compassion Coordinator for the Seventh-day Adventist Church in Canada.  He believes in wholistic ministry that embraces mind, body, spirit and believes that God has called us for such a time as this to do Kingdom business.  He is dedicated and passionate to help people build resiliency, recover, and return to a life of normalcy with the often rapidly changing circumstances of life and seeks to exemplify the motto of ADRA, Justice, compassion and love for all and help to prepare others for the soon coming of our Lord Jesus Christ.


Joyce Odidison July 17 (Monday) to July 19 (Wednesday) at 3:45-5:00

Joyce Odidison, MA, MCC CTDP. Joyce Odidison is an international Keynote Speaker, a true pioneer, and Thought Leader of the Wellness Competency Curriculum to optimize workplace wellness. With over 26 years experience as a Conflict Analyst, Professional Trainer, and Master Certified Coach, Joyce helps individuals and organizations achieve well-being intelligence at work, to fuel high performance, by developing interpersonal skills that complements Artificial Intelligence (AI).

Joyce is President & CEO of Interpersonal Wellness Services Inc., Founder of the Global Workplace Wellness Summit, and host of What's Happening at Work podcast. She is a recognized community leader and mentor, gifted at empowering people to develop their full potential. Joyce founded the Wellness Competency Coach Training Certification Program (ICF Approved), that has graduated hundreds of certified coaches globally. Joyce works with large and small organizations, community groups, individuals, and public sector organizations, offering her compelling brand of transformational interpersonal wellness services. This includes helping clients build a culture of well-being, improve team dynamics, manage conflicts, and develop relational leadership skills, to create inclusive wellness, and respectful environments for high performance.

Her work includes speaking, training, coaching, and curriculum development in diversity, leadership, interpersonal skills, and wellness competencies, to promote psychological safety, emotional wellness, and mental health at work. Joyce is an author of six books, and publisher of Faces of Workplace Wellness magazine. Joyce is a frequent TV guest expert and has been featured in publications globally. In her work with clients as a Conflict Analyst and Coach, Joyce recognized a need to help them learn how their actions, choices, and lifestyles impacted their ability to live well.

This led to her ground-breaking work on the Wellness Improvement System® and the Wellness Competency Coach training certification and curriculum that she delivers as keynotes, workshops, presentations, and lectures. As a Christian, Joyce believes that we have a responsibility to share Jesus in the marketplace to help cope with the increasing stress, anxiety and mental illnesses affecting professionals at work. Joyce is an active member of the Henderson Hwy Church in Winnipeg, a wife and mother of two adult children. She is a former University and College Instructor. Joyce has lived in Manitoba since her late teens when she immigrated from the beautiful Eastern Caribbean Island, Commonwealth of Dominica to pursue a university education. Growing up in the Church, Joyce remembers her grandmother leading their local church choir. She credits her passion for signing hymns and serving God to her grandmother’s influence. 


Dr. Michael Stevenson: Youth Speaker

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Dr. Michael Stevenson, hailing from sunny Arizona, USA, is set to deliver sermons about Jesus to the Youth of the Manitoba-Saskatchewan Conference. His mission is to help everyone realize that the Creator is on a mission to rescue, reclaim and reunite.

Pastor Mike's wife, Kris, is enthusiastic about joining forces with the Arizona Conference and is currently leading weekly Bible studies online with friends across Canada and the US. Pastor Mike is eagerly awaiting the opportunity to see what Jesus has in store for His church family in the days to come. He hopes to inspire the youth to recognize their place in God’s plan for their world.