A New You


Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a New Creature:
Old Things are passed away; behold, all things are become new. 

2 Cor 5:17 KJV



We all get excited over NEW things!! Right?

A new baby arrives and we ooh and awe over the precious little bundle. Admiring the sweet angelic face, tiny perfect fingers, and toes; Giving all the endearments we can bestow upon this NEW God-given, amazing darling little person.  BRAND NEW!! Hot off the press!!  How exciting and wonderful!!

Maybe it’s a new car we just purchased with, so to speak, all the bells and whistles.  Leather seats, sunroof, all the newest electronic equipment possible!! Pretty snazzy!! You name it, it has it. Brand spanking NEW!! Shiny and bright!! Everyone stops to admire your NEW acclaimed vehicle!! Pretty impressive!!

There are a number of NEW valuables we can have in our life; but the very best, most valuable possession we can have as individuals, is a NEW life in Jesus Christ.

We have already started a NEW year.  What will happen in this year’s life’s journey is not known.  We know what we can do though.  We can choose to have a NEW life in Christ. We can ask him to help us be the best we can be and choose to live a happy, joyful and peaceful life. Having Him as our guide.

So, let Jesus come into your life and make you a NEW creature. Put off the old garment, putting on the NEW garment of Christ’s righteousness. Behold!! All things will become NEW!!  A NEW YOU!!

God be with you in 2022!

Bushels of Blessings!!

Fran Gorbenko
Man/Sask Women’s Ministry Director